January 17, 2013
AlterLab Retreat
This weekend kicks off my AlterTheater‘s 2013 AlterLab residency. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had much time to mentally prepare myself. Note to self: I also need to go buy a new journal for all my 2013 AlterLab workshop meetings.
If you’ll recall I participated in AlterLab’s inaugural year last season. It was at our first retreat that I mentioned this play idea about a fairy tale set in Brazil, but I hadn’t intended to write that play during my residency. Of course the characters, well, they had other plans and I wrote The River Bride in record time (my own writing standards).
This year the plan is for me to finish the other two plays in my fairy tale cycle: Wolf at the Door and Alcira.
Wolf at the Door has a first draft that needs rewriting. And it’s been stalling for some time because a) I turned my attention to The River Bride and b) I have an outline for it and outlines stifle my writing for some reason.
Alcira needs a first draft, it’s currently a few scenes here and there–though I do really like the prologue. So I have my work cut out for me.
My residency goal this year is to finish those two plays. It’s a tall order. Believe me, I know. But I really, really want to do it. I can do. I know I can. It’s just going to take every ounce of me as a writer to do it.
Look out 2013, here I come.