October 29, 2013

  • Here We Go

    Apologies for the radio silence, but I’ve been working on a grant as part of a grantwriting workshop for artists. It’s a really great opportunity to learn about grantwriting and I’m definitely getting a lot out of it (so thank you, GalerĂ­a de la Raza for doing the workshop). But let me just say: it’s not easy.

    Oh, and I have to submit the first draft tonight via an online form. And I have to do that while cleaning and packing because I’m headed to the Latino Theatre Commons conference in Boston which starts on Thursday.

    LTC Final Program_Page_01

    I’ve barely had a chance to get mentally prepared for this event. So I gotta shift gears quick and be ready to engage, participate and contribute. And, if you’re so inclined you can follow the conference online via HowlRound TV or on Twitter (follow the #cafeonda hashtag).

    Oh, and have I mentioned that we’re a month out from starting rehearsals for The River Bride? Well we are.

    Busy, busy, busy.


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