July 1, 2013
Heart Shaped Nebula News: Chicago Bound!
I have great news. Heart Shaped Nebula is going to be part of Halcyon Theatre’s 2013 Alcyone Festival.
I am super excited to return to Chicago this fall to see Nebula up on its feet. A big thank you to Tony and Jenn Adams for making Nebula one of the plays in the festival this year.
And in preparation for the festival I squeezed in an edit/minor rewrite. A page really. A page of new dialogue that hopefully ties up one lingering loose end that I’ve been wanting to tie up for a while now.
Juan CastaƱeda, my director, is almost done with casting. So knock on wood everyone. Rehearsals start later this month and I’ll be when the festival opens in early September. So if you’re in the Windy City, put the Alcyone Festival on your calendar, it’s September 6-28th.