This is long overdue. I guess I was hoping to have my entire year figured out, but perhaps I just need to realize that adjustments and additions will happen throughout the year, i.e. more query letters will be added as I identify theatres to reach out to. So this is a living document. A work plan to help guide my work. And you’ll already see check marks indicating what goals have already been met.
2013 Playwriting Plan
“Luck is the residue of design.” -Branch Rickey
The purpose of this plan is to articulate my playwriting goals for this year. Goals are divided into two categories.
Writing Goals [W]
Specific writing goals and deadlines that will help me finish plays, make progress with rewrites and generate new work.
Professional/Business Goals [PB]
The majority of these goals are meant to help me send my work out to festivals, theatres and essentially get my work out and in front of more people in the theatre community.
Overall Goals
Writing Goals for the entire year:
- Write at least 3 blog posts a week
- Work on playwriting projects at least three evenings a week
- Read at least one play a month
- Finish Wolf at the Door.
- Write and finish Alcira
Professional/business goals for the entire year:
- Go to at least 1 plays a month
- Submit Heart Shaped Nebula to developmental / playwriting festivals and competitions
- Submit query letters to theatres for Heart Shaped Nebula
- Re-subscribe to American Theatre magazine
- Become a member of the Dramatist Guild
- Develop and launch a new website that incorporates my blog (would love for blog and its archive to transfer to new website)
Monthly Goals Calendar
1/02 Yes, I Said Feminist Gala call for 10 Minute plays–Submit Her Story ✓
1/14 Leah Ryan’s Fund for Emerging Women Writers [PB]–Submit Heart Shaped Nebula ✓
1/14 NALAC fellowship [PB]–Submit application ✓
1/15 Ashland New Play Festival [PB]–Submit The River Bride ✓
1/30 SF Playhouse call for plays about women and immigration [PB]–Submit Woman on Fire ✓
2/10 Mixed Blood Theatre [PB]–Submit 10 page query Woman on Fire ✓
2/10 eSe Teatro‘s Multicultural Playwrights Festival [PB]–Submit Woman on Fire ✓
2/15 South Coast Rep [PB]–Submit 10 pages query Heart Shaped Nebula [in progress]
2/15 SF Playhouse [PB]–Submit 10 page query Heart Shaped Nebula [in progress]
2/17 Miracle Theatre [PB]–Sent email to AD (rec from O.S.) to introduce self. Attached The River Bride and Heart Shaped Nebula. ✓ [good news, they will read both plays]
2/27 Berkeley Rep [PB]–Submit Heart Shaped Nebula[in progress (they accept unsolicited scripts from Bay Area playwrights)]
2/27 Wolf at the Door rewrite [W]–Rewrite should be underway [in progress]
3/7 Inkwell 2013–Submit Heart Shaped Nebula[in progress]
3/10 Orland Shakespeare Theater PlayFest [PB]–Submit Heart Shaped Nebula
3/15 Princess Grace Foundation Playwriting Award [PB]–Submit either Woman on Fire or Heart Shaped Nebula
3/15 Urban Theater Company [PB]–Submit inquiry for American Triage
3/25 Wolf at the Door rewrite [W]–Rewrite should be almost done on 2nd draft
4/1 Playwrights Horizons [PB]–Submit Heart Shaped Nebula
4/13 AlterLab retreat [W]–Wolf at the Door 2nd draft
5/1 Reportorio Español’s MetLife Nuestras Voces [PB]–Submit Heart Shaped Nebula
5/15 Wolf at the Door rewrites [W]–Based off of table reading at AlterLab retreat
5/25 Alcira [W]–Finish a rough draft. No matter how rough.
6/6-6/8 TCG National Conference [PB]–Try to go and network
6/15 Alcira table reading [W]–Informal gathering with friends
7/15 Alcira rewrites [W]–Informed by last months table reading
?? AlterLab retreat [W]–Alcira 2nd draft.
8/15 Yale Drama Series [PB]–Determine if you have anything to submit.
8/15 PlayPenn conference [PB]–Check website re 2014 submission guidelines.
9/1 HotCity Theatre GreenHouse New Play Festival [PB]–Submit Heart Shaped Nebula
12/15 National Latino Playwriting Award [PB]–Submit Heart Shaped Nebula
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